9 Foods That Relieve Pain

Pain is something we all want to avoid. When we can’t avoid it, we like to treat the pain as naturally as possible. You may be searching for methods to relieve pain in non traditional ways, such as finding foods that provide pain relief through your diet. The amount of foods that help to fight pain might surprise you. From fruits such as cherries to energy boosters such as caffeine, there is healthy relief. What you eat has a great impact on your life and the reduction of pain in the body. For those who want to find healthier alternatives to medication, treating pain with nutrition can be beneficial. Some of there you probably even have stocked at home right now:

1) Cherries

Cherries are known to treat arthritis and muscular pains. The cherries not only receive their rich ruby colors from compounds named Anthocyanins, but this compound also works as powerful antioxidant pain relievers. They provide pain relief through your diet by weakening pain enzymes and preventing inflammation in the body. Cherries have an effect on pain similar to aspirin.

2) Salmon

Salmon is known as a natural pain reliever for aches and pains in the neck, joints and back due to its rich omega 3 fatty acids. These acids improve the body's blood flow and prevent inflammation. Fish oil from Salmon can also help with mood enhancement.

3) Ginger

Ginger is a natural pain reliever for tired muscles, arthritis and migraines. It is known as the wonder root and helps to break down intestinal gases. Not only does it soothe sore muscles, but it also fights nausea and motion sickness. Ginger can be taken a variety of different ways. It can be dissolved in tea, stirred into smoothies, baked in cookies, sautéed in stir fry, grated into dishes, or ingested as a supplement.

4) Blueberries

Blueberries are loaded with helpful phytonutrients. The anti-oxidative and inflammatory anthocyanins, proanthocyanins and flavanols in blueberries are found in fresh and frozen blueberries but not found in many processed blueberry containing foods, so read your labels carefully.


This bright yellow-orange spice helps to fight inflammation in the body, relieving the body of pain. It is beneficiary if you suffer from swelling, arthritis or bursitis. The chemical Curcumin is the main ingredient in turmeric. A benefit of this compound is that it helps to create homeostasis within the body due to its antioxidant properties. It is best to ingest black pepper while eating turmeric because the black pepper helps to better absorb the spice.

6)Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds provide a vital source of magnesium for the body. Magnesium helps to lessen pain from migraines and treats osteoporosis. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten alone or paired with almonds, cashews or lentils to help with pain relief through your diet.

7) Oranges

Vitamin C is the go to vitamin when you're suffering from colds or other respiratory issues. Oranges are chocked full of vitamin C. Oranges contain antioxidants which reduce inflammation and soothes rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

8)Red Grapes

This deeply hued natural pain reliever contains a powerful compound named Resveratrol. It helps to prevent tissue degeneration and cartilage damage by blocking harmful enzymes that could cause issues with back pain. Red wine, made from grapes, helps the body to naturally absorb antioxidant rich Resveratrol.


Isoflavones are soy's powerful little secret. These anti-inflammatory plant hormones are vital for pain relief. To increase your soy intake, try foods like soy burgers, soy milk, tofu or edamame.

Including some of these foods in your diet may be beneficial in preventing inflammation and easing pain. These are natural, food based suggestions for pain relief. Do not stop taking prescribed pain medication without first consulting with your doctor.

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