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Exercises You Can Do at Your Office

Exercises You Can Do at Your Office

A sedentary lifestyle is linked to several serious diseases, chronic back pain and depression. According to the American Heart Association, even regular workouts don’t counteract the ill effects of sitting around all day.

It’s time to get moving. Here are some easy ways to exercise at work without rearranging furniture or getting excessively sweaty.

Stand and Deliver

Simply standing or pacing is better than nothing. Health experts recommend dividing your workday into equal time sitting and standing.

Get up for anything you can do on your feet such as make phone calls or tidy your work station. While you're on the phone, march in place, do knee bends or do leg lifts to the front, back and sides.

Ballet Squats

Plant your feet approximately 18 inches apart. Turn your feet outward as far as you comfortably can. Hold your upper body erect and slowly bend your knees out over your feet. Go as low as you can before using your thigh muscles and glutes to push yourself back up.

If you’re wearing a pencil skirt, try this some other day.

Hamstring Hammer

First, make sure that no one is behind you.

Make fists and bend slightly at the waist. Bending your knee, pretend you’re trying to give yourself a good kick in the rear. As you kick back with each leg, punch forward with the opposite arm.

Give Me Twenty

Unfortunately, no office workout would be complete without pushups.

Place your palms shoulder-width apart on the edge of your desk. Fully extend your arms. On tiptoe, inch your feet back until your body is prone. Do pushups off the desk.

The Wallflower

This somewhat difficult exercise is great for quads.

Back up to a wall and take two steps forward. Lean backward until the wall is fully supporting your back. Slowly slide down the wall until your knees and hips form right angles.

It should look like you’re sitting in a chair against the wall. Your knees should be directly over your feet, and your back should be flush against the wall. Hold the sitting position for as long as you can. Depending on your height, you may have to adjust your distance from the wall.

The Desk Set

There are numerous ways to exercise while sitting at your desk:

  • Tone your calves by raising your heels until you're on tiptoe. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat several times.
  • Rotate your ankles in both directions to improve flexibility and prevent sprains. Extend your legs and raise them as high off the floor as you can with your toes pointed down. Then, repeat with your toes pointing toward the ceiling. That stretch helps prevent plantar fasciitis and shin splints when you’re active.
  • Tighten up your rear by repeatedly clenching your buttocks and holding for 10 seconds.
  • Keeping your hips squared in your chair, gently swivel from side to side from the waist to stretch your back.
  • Do various arm stretches while clutching light dumbbells or full water bottles.
  • Strengthen your core with chair crunches. Slide your bottom to the very edge of the seat. Lean your back against the backrest. In one motion, lift your feet a few inches off the floor and your back a few inches off the backrest. Hold your position for 10 seconds each time.
  • Slide to the middle of your seat. Sit with your knees bent and your feet together directly in front of the chair. Place your hands on either side of you and try to raise yourself off the seat. If you succeed, hold the position for as long as you can.

Consider buying some inexpensive pieces of equipment to keep at work. You can add variety to your office workout with something as simple as an exercise ball or 36-inch trampoline. Resistance bands are also highly versatile, and they're easy to store.

However you go about it, exercise at the office. You’ll boost your health, energy level, productivity and mood.

7 Foods That Are Good for Your Skin

Nowadays, strolling down the skin-care aisle is likely to make your stomach growl. Coconuts, blueberries, oatmeal, kale, avocados, papayas and even eggs have made their way into face creams and hand lotions. If there are foods that are good for your skin, why not just eat them? You’ll save money and benefit your overall health at the same time.

These seven delicious foods will give you a radiant glow from the inside out:

Greek Yogurt

For centuries, the Greeks have turned to this superfood in their search for the fountain of youth. It is an ancient cure for a number of ailments, and several of its properties benefit the skin.

Greek yogurt typically contains more than twice the protein of ordinary yogurt. Protein plays a key role in nourishing, repairing, strengthening and firming skin tissue.

The lactic acid in yogurt tightens pores and dissolves dead tissue for smoother skin. The vitamin B2, or riboflavin, hydrates and aids in cell regeneration. Yogurt is also rich in vitamin A, which combats acne, boosts collagen production and evens pigmentation. Greek yogurt has so much vitamin A that one serving a day might improve your skin’s appearance.


Many species of fish are rich in selenium, coenzyme Q10, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Selenium has shown promise in preventing skin cancer and fighting free radicals, the enemies of youthful skin. Your body makes coQ10, but levels decrease around age 30. CoQ10 is not only an antioxidant, but it boosts production of the beloved collagen and elastin that prevent sags and wrinkles. Omega-3s and omega-6s create the oil barrier that moisturizes your skin.

When you're eating for healthy skin, choose snapper, salmon, cod, barramundi, tuna, shrimp, sardines or mackerel.


Pomegranates are highly prized for improving heart health and reducing the risk for several diseases, including prostate cancer.

Their polyphenol antioxidants make them excellent for skin. Polyphenols fight free radicals to give skin a rosy glow. Two of the tannins in pomegranates have shown promise in preventing skin cancer. A 2010 study indicated that the ellagic acid in the fruit interrupts skin aging and inflammation.

You can either drink the juice or scoop out the yummy seeds and sprinkle them on oatmeal, yogurt or salad. You can even grind the seeds and use them as exfoliants.

Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

The more colorful your food is, the more it may benefit your skin.

Antioxidants slow and prevent free radical damage, and one of the best antioxidants is vitamin C. Also called ascorbic acid, it may help prevent ultraviolet damage. The fat-soluble vitamin A is another powerful antioxidant.

To get vitamins A and C, tank up on berries, tangerines, apricots, beets, winter squash, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and other bright foods. The carotenoids in yellow and orange foods, like carrots, sweet potatoes and peppers, decrease sensitivity to sunlight.

Seeds, Nuts and Olives

It’s no wonder that these foods are staples of the famously healthy Mediterranean diet.

Most seeds and nuts, such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts and almonds, are chock-full of vitamin E and high in essential fatty acids. These protect your skin from the sun and keep it soft and supple. Olives are another valuable source of vitamin E. Toss in avocados, and you're in business.

Sunflower oil and olive oil can be used topically for rough elbows and heels or chapped lips.


Beans, lentils and other legumes keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check, and they're loaded with skin-healthy vitamin B6 and zinc.

In the battle against acne, some dermatologists find topical zinc remedies to be as effective as antibiotics; zinc kills acne-causing bacteria. Vitamin B6 is thought to correct hormonal imbalances that trigger both acne breakouts and premenstrual syndrome. If that’s true, expect a run on legumes.

Kidney beans are especially nutritious, but black beans, lima beans, navy beans, green peas, chickpeas and soybeans are all good for skin. If you buy canned products, be sure to thoroughly rinse the contents before eating.

Dark Chocolate

Happily, chocolate makes the list.

Cocoa is hydrating to the skin, and the flavanols it contains are potent antioxidants. Dr. Jessica Wu, a dermatologist in Los Angeles, recommends dark chocolate that’s at least 70 percent cocoa to improve luminosity. Just keep an eye on your hips.

Finally, be sure to drink plenty of water and green tea. Water helps your cells absorb nutrients, and green tea is a virtual powerhouse of antioxidants. It also helps prevent sunburns. As for what to avoid, processed or refined sugars, unhealthy fats and excessive alcohol work against you. In general, when you're eating for overall good health, you're eating for healthy skin.

9 Foods That Relieve Pain

Pain is something we all want to avoid. When we can’t avoid it, we like to treat the pain as naturally as possible. You may be searching for methods to relieve pain in non traditional ways, such as finding foods that provide pain relief through your diet. The amount of foods that help to fight pain might surprise you. From fruits such as cherries to energy boosters such as caffeine, there is healthy relief. What you eat has a great impact on your life and the reduction of pain in the body. For those who want to find healthier alternatives to medication, treating pain with nutrition can be beneficial. Some of there you probably even have stocked at home right now:

1) Cherries

Cherries are known to treat arthritis and muscular pains. The cherries not only receive their rich ruby colors from compounds named Anthocyanins, but this compound also works as powerful antioxidant pain relievers. They provide pain relief through your diet by weakening pain enzymes and preventing inflammation in the body. Cherries have an effect on pain similar to aspirin.

2) Salmon

Salmon is known as a natural pain reliever for aches and pains in the neck, joints and back due to its rich omega 3 fatty acids. These acids improve the body's blood flow and prevent inflammation. Fish oil from Salmon can also help with mood enhancement.

3) Ginger

Ginger is a natural pain reliever for tired muscles, arthritis and migraines. It is known as the wonder root and helps to break down intestinal gases. Not only does it soothe sore muscles, but it also fights nausea and motion sickness. Ginger can be taken a variety of different ways. It can be dissolved in tea, stirred into smoothies, baked in cookies, sautéed in stir fry, grated into dishes, or ingested as a supplement.

4) Blueberries

Blueberries are loaded with helpful phytonutrients. The anti-oxidative and inflammatory anthocyanins, proanthocyanins and flavanols in blueberries are found in fresh and frozen blueberries but not found in many processed blueberry containing foods, so read your labels carefully.


This bright yellow-orange spice helps to fight inflammation in the body, relieving the body of pain. It is beneficiary if you suffer from swelling, arthritis or bursitis. The chemical Curcumin is the main ingredient in turmeric. A benefit of this compound is that it helps to create homeostasis within the body due to its antioxidant properties. It is best to ingest black pepper while eating turmeric because the black pepper helps to better absorb the spice.

6)Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds provide a vital source of magnesium for the body. Magnesium helps to lessen pain from migraines and treats osteoporosis. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten alone or paired with almonds, cashews or lentils to help with pain relief through your diet.

7) Oranges

Vitamin C is the go to vitamin when you're suffering from colds or other respiratory issues. Oranges are chocked full of vitamin C. Oranges contain antioxidants which reduce inflammation and soothes rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

8)Red Grapes

This deeply hued natural pain reliever contains a powerful compound named Resveratrol. It helps to prevent tissue degeneration and cartilage damage by blocking harmful enzymes that could cause issues with back pain. Red wine, made from grapes, helps the body to naturally absorb antioxidant rich Resveratrol.


Isoflavones are soy's powerful little secret. These anti-inflammatory plant hormones are vital for pain relief. To increase your soy intake, try foods like soy burgers, soy milk, tofu or edamame.

Including some of these foods in your diet may be beneficial in preventing inflammation and easing pain. These are natural, food based suggestions for pain relief. Do not stop taking prescribed pain medication without first consulting with your doctor.